1. Flexible & affordable investment, as low as Ksh3,000/- per pot annually ($30 per Year)2. Fully managed by professionals for you - Minimal risk on investment
3. You will be able to monitor your investment via the portal and social media.
4. Create employment for the youth in rural Africa.
5. Strict use of Integrated Pest Management system; Bio-friendly inputs.
6. Application of AutoPot watering system that provides the following benefits;
a. Simple but high-tech smart valve; AQUAvalve.
b. Produce consistently premium crops.
c. Minimizes water use; - Uses 100% of the water and much less water compared to other systems – No water wastage.
d. Efficient feeding system – Feeding on demand.
e. Environmental friendly – No water run-offs
f. No back-breaking activity like conventional farming. No tilling or weeding.
g. No electric power required nor timers or pumps.
7. Making farming ‘cool’ – use of a cooling house facility.b. Produce consistently premium crops.
c. Minimizes water use; - Uses 100% of the water and much less water compared to other systems – No water wastage.
d. Efficient feeding system – Feeding on demand.
e. Environmental friendly – No water run-offs
f. No back-breaking activity like conventional farming. No tilling or weeding.
g. No electric power required nor timers or pumps.
8. Climate smart seedling production for Agro forestry.
9. Transforming agriculture to a dynamic & competitive sector.
10. Taking guess work out of farming – Every activity is measured.